Sunday 20 October 2024

Iberian skirmishers


An assortment of skirmishers from Iberia based individually to be used as skirmishers markers for Strength & Honour, which has a supplement due out soon covering the Punic wars. I've probably made far more than needed but they can quite easily be used for other systems along with my usual bases being mainly a grid based player. 

I painted these Newline Designs 20mm Ancient Spanish during a painting slump. It took quite a while to get through them all, painting so many at once and trying to make them individually styled slowed down further by the infrequent visits to the painting bench! In the end by chipping away at them they eventually made it to completion and now they have finally made it to a post. Again my motivation to mess about with the blog is also low so its taken a while to get them uploaded and write up a post. 

With this general on going malaise, I've lacked the inclination to set any games up. I've recently completed all the troop types required for Lost Battles Magnesia scenario and despite having the odd chance here and there I opted to paint instead, I couldn't quite face the set up and brain power needed to play! Overall its the lack of plenty of free time, not having much of it, setting up a game is a large investment of time so its best saved for when I fancy such an endeavour.

As is my custom, at this point in the year I tend to fancy a change in project. I've been eyeing up some Victrix sets again, due to the release of early Saxons and I've been getting inspired by Middle Earth once again. Between Rings of Power and Games Workshop's previews of upcoming War of the Rohirim starter set anticipating the new animated feature I picked up my Moria Goblins. 24 ready for varnish, 23 ready to base, and 24 ready to basecoat. As ever a change of theme has been refreshing.

Meanwhile the 20mm Ancients have many Hellenistic and Punic chainmail clad infantry to paint up when I'm ready. They're mainly headswap conversions so I'm quite excited to paint these unique figures up! The pictures below show all what has been painted, the picture featuring the multibases of Balearic slingers features 3 bases of older paint jobs with the colourful ones being the new ones. Next up will be a short post featuring Numidians which were painted within a week. 



Balearic Slingers