This post has been a long time coming. I finished 8 bases of 8 Samnites at the end of November but life got in the way. Between Christmas, my computer breaking down again (losing lots of pics for the blog) and now a project in the house (painting walls instead miniatures, sad times). So now after getting some fresh photos and editing them I have them for the blog at last.

I used 2 poses from Newline Designs ANI03 advancing Samnite spearmen in these units. Again I swapped the shields from clipped shields for the Roman types to Romanise these Oscan warriors. The sculpting on these miniatures is great and the detail on the armour and helmets is exquisite.
I have also been trying to improve the photography again and had found an article as well as receiving some great tips from Hellboy over at Benno's Figure Forum. I think they are a bit better but I could still do some more work or have a bit more patients when it comes to the editing stage.
So thats another 8 bases done for the Punic Wars, I have been working on rebasing and highlighting some of my older Punic Wars miniatures which will feature in the next few posts once I get round to editing the photos. I should have more time for that next week since my painting desk is out of bounds at the minute because of the project upstairs. All of the stuff from upstairs is blocking off my workzone but I have some Triarii set aside to prep for painting in the mean time.