Finally here are the refurbished and rebased Bronze Shields! As mentioned in the previous post I had started them straight after the Silver Shields. The old base removal went as smoothly as it could, however many of them needed a bit more than the shields painted up. About half needed their linothoraxes highlighted white, and many needed a further highlight of their blue tunics. This took longer than expected, when I began the spear tips and shields I was ready for a change. I did slowly do the odd bit here and there eventually they were done, then with that complete the basing was done relatively snappy.
I'm hoping with these done I can get back into my main 20mm Ancients project but my attention span and focus is as fickle as its ever been. I'm currently finishing off another 10 Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards, however I'm ready to move on from my current sci-fi project even though it's barely started! I was then inspired to continue some Lord of the Rings as well, the Moria goblins are undercoated and dry brushed with a gun metal, but I've since moved on from that too. While my interest was piqued with LotR I looked towards dark age plastic kits as Middle-Earth warriors, but then that just lead me to look towards Late Roman and Anglo-Saxon history, then those plastic warriors become earmarked to become built as historically intended. Currently I'm building some Victrix Normans but I'm not sure how long I'll remain focussed on them. While sorting this post I rediscovered some unfinished posts on rebased Iberians and Eastern levies so I'll hopefully get them posted up soon.