Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Cretan Archers
These archers came out of Zvezda's Greek infantry box. I added a Newline pelta shield to the standing figures. I have decieded to focus first on finishing a Carthaginian army to use for impetus then a Republican Roman army to oppose them. This is to encourage me to actually use my collection for wargaming. This however is still going to take ages because of work and finding time to get figures done has been difficult. Hopefully soon there will be some more units to take some pictures of and post on here.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Greek Slingers
Just a stones throw away from the enemy are these Greek slingers from Newline Designs 20mm. They went smoother than the other slingers. This time I only applied wash to the flesh areas and used a base coat and highlights to the tunics which I will probably stick with on figures that have areas that do not work well with the washes. Next up will be some mercenary archers.

Newline Designs
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Balearic Slingers
Here are some Balearic Slingers from Newline Designs 20mm. They ended up a bit messy as I went over board with the mud wash. I tried to introduce some variety into the unit by bending the slings of the firing poses. Next up will be more slingers but they will be Greeks.

Monday, 18 July 2011
Carthaginian Citizen Levy
I had originally bought Hat's African Infantry set for the heavy troops in that set. I never really liked the Punic Citizen troops in the set, mainly down to the pose. However after replacing my plastics with metals I never thought I would use the African set in this way; bending the pose from running to a more advancing pose and swapping heads with the heavy spearmen in the same set. I ended up spending far too much time on these the wash didn't go to plan and i ended up repainting their tunics. I may do another unit in red with white shields with the same head swap at some point.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011
Napoleonic Austrian Line

Finally the Austrians arrive! These figures work very well with the Citadel washes, because of this I tried it on a unit of Balearic Slingers but it did not work as well as you will see once I have posted the pictures of that unit in the near future. These Newline Austrians, once I got used to painting them were quite enjoyable to paint. Future Austrian Line units will now be a less daunting prospect and hopefully other Napoleonic units I have in the pile.
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