Tuesday, 22 February 2022
Goth heavy cavalry
Sunday, 20 February 2022
New Newline Late Roman scans
I have recently received a few more new Newline Designs 1/72 Late Roman codes to paint, with only a week left on the 2022 winter sale I'll not be able to get some painted examples done, but it would be a shame if enthusiasts could not see the fresh casts at least. Apart from the rebasing that was finished late last year which have a few work in progress posts currently, I have just finished the Goth heavy cavalry that are now just awaiting pictures.
As I have stated before the Late Roman period is not one that I am well versed on so I'll just let the scans of the casts speak for themselves and hopefully get some painted examples done soon.
Guard Infantry
I'm in the process of trying to determine whether to paint the muscled cuirass as metal or leather armour?
Thursday, 17 February 2022
Equites Rebased
Monday, 7 February 2022
Late Roman Cavalry Comparison
The question often asked when Newline 20mm miniatures are shown is how do they compare with plastics, namely the traditional 20mm being a tad smaller than 1/72 scale. However Newline sets labelled as 20mm over the years have veered closer to 1/72 and these Late Romans were specifically made as 1/72 despite being located in their 20mm Ancients page (for navigational convenience). The only way to know for sure if ranges and manufacturers are compatible is to physically compare the specific figures and make your own personal judgment.
Before comparing Newline and Hat I dug out the Hat cavalry sets, medium, light and cataphracts. I noted that the Hat miniatures themselves differ in size and sculpting style with the light cavalry being slightly smaller than the other 2 sets. As a side note I love the early Hat style of the cataphracts and the equivalent legionary set and again the medium and light infantry were of a softer cast.

Late Roman Cavalry II
A few more painted examples of new and older codes from Newline Designs 1/72 20mm Late Roman range. Its great to see and expansion to the range and I hope these paint jobs do the casts the justice they deserve. I'll let the pictures do the talking but I have some comparison pictures with some Hat plastics to post up shortly in the next post.
NEW Roman General and Standard Bearer
Roman Heavy Cavalry