Sunday 17 December 2023

Iberian Tribes

Another post that has been mulling on here for a while. It's a straight up rebase of all the Newline Designs 20mm Ancient Iberian infantry so far. I did add command figures, namely some spearmen with some Hat accessories from the 1/72 Carthaginian command set. The leaders have plumes and crests added from Hat sets also. To square the bases up to 12 per base the odd rank and file warrior was also painted up. The links below show the figures in their earlier basing format. 

I have 2 more 24 man units (4 bases worth) primed and ready to paint up, I'm planning on doing them in a more uniform scheme, for a change and contrast with these. It will also make painting them more straight forward! When they are done I should have more than enough units for Lost Battles and Strength & Honour. Hopefully I'll get a chance to set some battles up next year!

I hope everyone has a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!




  1. Very nice job! I especially like the ideas you had for shield designs. I'll look back here once or twice, at least when I need inspiration for mine :)

    1. Thanks! I'm sure I did the exact thing between Rome total war mods and other bloggers!

  2. Excellent work!

  3. Superb units and most impressive close ups, love the faces and the shields...

    1. Thank you Phil. I'm pleased with them but for my sanity my next two units of Iberians will have a uniform colour!

  4. This is truly an impressive sight. Great job!

    1. Thank you Jonathan! For some reason your comment went to spam and I wasn't notified.
