Sunday 29 October 2023


It's been a while! A combinations of things lead to having a bit of a break from both ancients and generally keeping up with things online. I was pleased to get these 48 Newline Designs 20mm Silvershields refreshed and rebased but it was quite a task. The main challenge was painting the shield designs which took a lot of focus to finish, and with giving the pikes a proper tip along with the actual rebase it was a bit of a grueller. So then when I began the Bronzeshields, which are twice the number of Silvershields, I attempted to go in with the same determination to get finished. That was June and I'm still intermittently working on them!

In an attempt to rekindle interest in the hobby I looked to other projects. This mainly took the form of building plastic sci-fi soldiers for a Warhammer 40k setting. However I'm often put off by the list building, ever changing rules updates and general complication and special rules for the sake of it. All that in itself can make that project daunting but I picked up a copy of Xenos Rampant and that has helped focus the project. The simplicity of the army building and the general philosophy of them really helped to give me a reasonable sized army list to build towards.

In general I have not been able to focus with painting as I have also been trying to make a start on Moria goblins. Bit by bit I have been working on these various projects, but none yet have reached completion since these Silvershields. Even getting to the point of writing this post has been difficult even though the pictures were uploaded back in June. Hopefully by chipping away at what I fancy when I can I will hopefully get something finished at some point soon. In the meantime I hope you enjoy the pictures of these Seleucid Silvershields: